9th International Photography Symposium
"Where is the reality in this?"
All papers to be included in the symposium will be included in the Symposium Book to be distributed during the event.
We kindly ask the participants to prepare their papers in accordance with the following general writing rules.
General View:
The text of the paper is prepared in MS Word docx format. 12-point, Times New Roman font style is used for all texts, including visual captions, if any.
The text is expected not to exceed 1800 words. In text, paragraphs are separated by a single line of space, not by a paragraph indent.
The titles, which will be in Turkish and English, are compatible with the content; short; It is written in all capital letters, except for conjunctions (and, for, etc.). The Turkish title is placed in front of the Turkish abstract and the English title is in front of the English abstract.
Name and address of author(s):
Under the title, the name and surname of the author(s) are included; For additional information, a footnote is given next to the author's name with a * sign. In the footnote, title, university/institution, faculty/institute/college, department, e-mail address are written respectively.
At the beginning of the text, there should be an abstract in Turkish and English not exceeding 200 words. Keywords consisting of at least 3 and at most 8 words in Turkish and English should be given with a blank line at the bottom of the abstract.
Images (photographs, pictures, etc.) and tables, if any:
Images should be numbered in the text such as Image 1:, Image 2:; It should be given with subtitles. Similarly, tables, if any, should be numbered as Table 1:, Table 2:; Then, the name or description of the table should be written.
In addition, all images should be sent separately in jpeg format, with a long side of 15 cm, 300 dpi resolution and suitable for printing press.
All sources used and cited in the text (except classical texts and personal interviews) are added to the References. Works that are not cited in the study are not included in the References.
References should be written in 10 font size, in alphabetical order according to the surnames of the authors under the title of References. If an author has more than one publication, references should be listed by publication date.
Citations in the text:
If more than one source is cited in the same parentheses, the first one in the bibliography is written first and the citations are separated by semicolons (;). Example: (Rain, 2009; Murat, 2020).
The name of the institution should be included in the references to the institutions in the internet addresses. In citations to articles whose authors/reporters are known on websites, the name of the author should be indicated as normal. The date of access to the Internet should be indicated in the source. Example: Bate, D., (2020); Date accessed: 10.01.20125.
Resource List
The list of references to be given under the title of References should be listed alphabetically according to the surname of the first author, and should be written in 10 points.
Sample spellings:
Barrett, T. (1990); Criticising Photographs; Mayfield Publishing, Mountain View.
Varol, C., et all, (2019); The Transformation Story of Kızılay, the Square of the Capital; VEKAM, Ankara
Beem, W. (2022); Why Photography is not Reality;
Murray, M. (2023); Is Artificial Intelligence the End of 'Real' Photography?; fstoppers;
A short CV and a personal photograph with a long side of 15 cm, 300 dpi resolution and jpeg format should be sent with the text, in accordance with the printing press.
In order for the papers to be published in the Symposium Book, it is important to fill in the attached Copyright Transfer Form and send us a signed copy (in pdf format, by e-mail) in order to fulfill a legal process on the subject.